


2018青岛大学纺织服装学院毕业作品发布会“延”时间:2024-08-01 15:44:33

2018青岛大学纺织服装学院毕业作品发布会“延” 5月14日,2018青岛大学纺织服装学院服装与服饰设计系优秀毕业生设计作品发布在北京751D·PARK七九罐举行,共有2018届毕业生的17个系列共计70余套毕业设计作品参与展演。 本次发布设计主题为“延”,“昊天出华月,茂林延疏光”,在传统纺织工艺和设计手法的基础上进行改良创新,将传统文化与时尚元素相融合。印染织绣等多种传统工艺同新型面料及工艺相融合,在设计上实现了一次多维立体式的碰撞。毕业生们用服装设计的特殊语言表现形式,传递了中国传统文化的悠远底蕴与现代潮流的张扬前卫,将四年专业技能和素养磨炼而成的学习成果展现了出来。作品分别对“虚拟与现实”、“解构与建构”、“传统与现代”等为中心进行延展性探索。▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-艾梦雪▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-王文浩▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-杨小卫▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-杨慧▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-张舒尧▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-郑洁▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-施佳慧▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-赖晓婷 毕业生们将解构主义、抽象主义等极具艺术感的设计表现手法运用到服装设计中,通过对流行元素的提取、改造和重组,以及对既往服装结构和造型手法的解构与再构,达到形式上的矛盾与统一。在服装设计方面以艺术变型的实物图形结构来表现社会现象和人性特征,以及传统戏剧、书画、建筑等中具有标识性纹样和配色为基础,使用PVC、彩棉、镭射皮革等新型材料进行再构成设计,着眼于90后、00后新一代消费群体对服装设计的需求,整体表达对中国传统文化的继承和对现代社会个性张扬发展的相辅相成。▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-李佳春▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-渠莹▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-杨润青▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-周亮▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-于丽君▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-姜尧方▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-林琳 如作品海女的另一种生活 (Another kind of life for Amachan)中,设计师以“海女”为灵感,在款式细节上延用海女“渔民身份”的服装特点,同时设计本身性别模糊化不做性别的特定界限。廓形上日常的女装紧身装在男装上变的宽松,同时保留了较多的功能性细节部分,如:背包和衣服的紧密结合,口袋的多样化、面料的防水性等九游手机版下载。色彩主要是提取海女的潜水服基本色,融入男装中更贴切的黑色和橘色为主去完成这一系列的服装色彩,细节上运用的绳子和抽褶进行造型。作品托斯卡纳艳阳下(Under the Tuscan Sun),创意来源于CATTANI用想象的世界勾勒出理想欧艺风格,安静又沸腾,展现想象的美好风情。简单利落的造型以及长腰宽腿裤和裁剪后背细节,利用松身裁剪和舒适的缎面料相结合,营造精致复古的感受,以最优雅自信的姿态从暗夜走到光明大放异彩,结合美术创作综合材料对衣服表面进行细致的加工和装饰,演绎了一组颇具地域风情的时装作品。▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-赵子墨▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-包志金▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-闫文茜▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-杨珊▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-鲁玉▲青岛大学纺织服装学院-许薇薇2018 Diploma Project Release of Qingdao University's College of Textiles & Clothing,"Extension"The 2018 Diploma Project Release of Qingdao University's College of Textiles & Clothing was convened in the 79 Tank of Beijing 751D•PARK on May 14th, 2018. The subject of this release is "extension". "The clear and bright moon rises in the summer sky. Scarce moonlight transmits through the thick woods". Students not only conducted improvement and innovation on the basis of traditional textile technology and design method, but also integrated traditional culture with fashionable elements. The integration of multiple traditional techniques including printing, dyeing, knitting and embroidery, etc., with new-type fabric and technology realized a multi-dimensional collision with respect to design.The graduates utilized the special language of apparel design as a mode of expression to deliver the long-standing details of traditional Chinese culture as well as the swanking and forward modern tendency. They presented their learning outcomes refined by their expertise and qualities over the four years in college. Their works conducted extensive explorations respectively in a series of subjects including "virtuality and reality", "deconstruction and construction", "the traditional and the modern", etc. They applied the techniques of design and expression with great sense of art such as deconstructivism and abstractionism, etc., into apparel design. Through extracts, transformation and reorganization of popular elements as well as the deconstruction and reconstruction of previous garment structure and modeling, they achieved the contradiction and unification in form.The students adopted transformed physical graphics of art to depict social phenomena and characteristics of human nature; they relied on the symbolic patterns and color blending in drama, calligraphy, art and architecture, etc., applied a number of new-type materials including PVC, colored cotton and laser leather, etc., in design of reconstitution. They focused on the demands of the new generation consumer groups after the 90s and 00s in apparel design, and universally expressed their inheritance toward traditional Chinese culture as well as supplement toward the freehand individual development in modern society.

