


2018浙江科技学院服装与服饰设计专业毕业生作品发布会时间:2024-08-01 11:34:50

2018年5月13日,浙江科技学院2018届服装与服饰设计毕业生作品发布会于751D.park完美谢幕,40余位设计师共计87套服装走上T台。本次展演是由毕业生精彩作品中甄选而出的优秀系列,代表了浙江科技学院服装与服饰设计专业的最新教学成果和创新设计理念,并以“乘物游道”为题,度服装为表达介质,呈现新生代设计师们向时代宣言的崭新态度,表达出他们内心中对于生活和学习的不同方式。18届毕业设计作品以“乘物游道”为题,“乘物”者,驾驭自然法则、知识思想,最大限度地顺应自然是也;“游道”者,隐心显道,将共性寓于个性之中是也。因之:游心乘物以自持;善假于物以进取;依仁游艺以修身;技近乎道以弘毅。故曰:“乘物游道”。它是我们的学习方式,也是我们的生活方式。大系列充分表达了每个人对于“欲乘物以游心”的情绪映射,在学习的过程中,技巧和呈现方式便是最好的知遇。正所谓:“道技不二”:落实技巧以通道。因此在漫长的设计修改过程中,设计师们经过反复捡炼,选用多种不同材质对比的面料,传达出对崇高艺术的敬仰,对工匠精神创新应用的态度,以及跨界不拘一格彰显与众不同,打造出天马行空的大胆创新时尚九游中囯。服饰搭配以不同工艺、色彩及新式设计,每件设计作品都在讲述着不同的学习生活方式,也表达了每位设计师正是借助毕业展秀这一平台展示自己,磨炼技艺。本届服装与服饰设计毕业生107人,其中40余名毕业生的设计作品有机会呈现在此次北京时装周发布会上。毕业生们前后总经历三次试装环节,从如何通过灵感素材展开设计、到如何将效果图上的设计付诸实施、再到一丝不苟的工艺制作......完成的作品通过反复实验、修改、完善和整合,最后才有更完整丰满的姿态呈现出来的设计作品。此外,学院倡导“学生主导”的毕业设计模式,从主题确立、微信宣传、秀场设计到平面制作等,都由毕业生团队自主完成,教师在其中扮演引导和协助的角色,在过程中提高了学生的综合能力。 浙江科技学院服装与服饰设计创建于1988年,在国内和省内属于一流专业,在教学上依托学校的优秀学科,结合浙江省服装产业集群系统的集成优势,本着以坚持特色,面向社会,全面发展,改革实践教学,突出艺术设计的专业应用特色。学院现设服装与服饰设计、服装表演与形象、服装工程等本科专业。学院的设计艺术学科为省级重点学科,艺术设计专业为国家特色专业和浙江省优势专业。学院在探索创新型毕业设计模式的道路上提倡:增强学生对基础知识的认知能力;提升自主实践的应用能力;具备分析和解决问题的专业态度;倡导和谐的团队合作氛围;对市场趋势的把控能力;拥有一定的艺术审美高度;尤其注重创新能力的引导和培养。 我校服装与服饰设计学院致力于培养有创意和有创业能力的设计师,学习并借鉴德国、意大利、美国等先进的教学模式,开展国际合作项目设计教学,将理论知识融入教学设计实践当中,摆脱传统教学,引导学生创新,培养创新思维。学生国际交流频繁。课堂与服装竞赛融合,学生参赛面广,激发学生的专业学习兴趣,获奖无数,如“汉帛奖”近年我校学子已囊括金银铜各项大奖,在校的严格训练及实践使得毕业后起点高,进步快,和地方经济和创意产业有着紧密的对接,就业能力强。2018 Final Project Presentation of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology’s School of Apparel DesignStrikes a Pose on the Stage of China Graduate Fashion WeekThe 2018 Final Project Presentation of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology’s School of Apparel Design was successfully closed in 751D.PARK on May 13th, 2018. Over 40 designers’ 87 sets of apparel were presented on the T-stage. This presentation brings out the excellent series exquisitely selected from the great works of the graduates, which represent the most cutting-edge teaching results and innovative designing concepts of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology’s School of Apparel Design. It takes “Complying with Nature to Acquire Freedom” as subject, makes apparel as the intermediate of expression, demonstrates contemporary designers’ brand-new attitude to declare to the epoch, and expressed their distinctive innermost modes of life and study.The diploma projects of year 2018 are themed of “Complying with Nature to Acquire Freedom”. To “comply with nature”, it is necessary to rein the law of nature, knowledge and ideology and conform to nature up to the hilt; to “acquire freedom”, one has to conceal his mind and integrate individuality into generality.Because one has toconform to nature to acquire freedom and self-control;be adept at utilizing foreign objects to make progress;take benevolence and six classical arts as single standard of self-cultivation;upgrade certain technique to achieve the rule of nature.Therefore: “to conform to nature for acquiring freedom” is both the learning style and lifestyle of us.The grand series sufficiently express everyone’s emotional reflection toward “conforming to nature for acquiring freedom”. During the process of study, the best appreciation toward technique would be a proper way of manifestation. Like the old saying goes, “technique is consistent”: it is necessary to utilize techniques to un-choke channels. Therefore, during the lengthy process of design and revise, designers select numerous materials through comparison; deliver their esteem toward the lofty arts, their attitude toward the innovative application of craftsmanship as well as their freehand style, so as to mold unconstrained and bold fashion of innovation through repeated and exquisite refining. The apparel is allocated with different techniques, colors and new-style designs. Every single design work not only narrates a distinctive style of life and study, but also sends forth the fact that all designers exactly utilizes this final work show as a platform to demonstrate themselves and refine techniques.

